Full Biography

Autoportrait place Jules Ferry © Robert Doisneau 1949
- 1912
Born in Gentilly (Val de Marne) April 14. - 1925/1929
Studies at Estienne School where he obtains an engraver-lithographer diploma - 1930
Font designer and photography internship at Ulmann studio for drug manufacturers. - 1931
Camera assistant for André Vigneau. - 1932
Sells his first report to the daily newspaper ’L’Excelsior.’ - 1934/1939
Industrial photographer for Renault’s factory in Billancourt. - 1939
Loses his job for repeated lateness.
Meets Charles Rado, founder of Rapho Agency.
Becomes an independent photographer - 1942
Meets Maximilien Vox for whom he creates numerous photo essays - 1945
Starts his collaboration with Pierre Betz, publisher of Le Point journal.
Meets Blaise Cendrars in Aix-en-Provence. - 1946
Returns to the Rapho Agency, now headed by Raymond Grosset.
Photo essays for the weekly magazine ‘Action.’ - 1947
Meets Jacques Prévert and Robert Giraud
Wins the Kodak Prize - 1949/1951
Contract with Vogue magazine - 1956
Wins the Niepce Prize - 1960
Travels to the USA and photo reports from New York City, Hollywood and Palm Springs - 1966
Travels to Canada : report in Montreal, spends a few days in NYC - 1967
Photo report in USSR ’50 years of soviet achievements’ - 1971
French tour of museums with Jacques Dubois - 1973
‘Le Paris de Robert Doisneau’ a film by François Porcile - 1975
Invited to the ‘Rencontres d’Arles’ photo festival - 1981
‘Poète et piéton’ a film by François Porcile.
Travels to New York City - 1983
Wins the French ‘National Grand Prize of Photography’ - 1984
Participates in the photographic mission of the DATAR - 1986
Wins the Balzac Prize - 1990
Video Contacts (CNP/La Sept/Riff Production). - 1992
‘Bonjour Monsieur Doisneau’ a film by french actress Sabine Azéma - 1993
‘Doisneau des villes et Doisneau des champs’ a film by Patrick Cazals for french television - 1994
Dies in Paris on the 1st of April